About Me

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Lexington, KY, United States
Mrs. Ashley Baker is a sixth year Art Teacher at Jessie Clark Middle School. Mrs. Baker has been involved in the Arts and our Community through the Jessamine County Public Library and the YMCA of the Bluegrass. Scholarships and Awards include FCPS Teacher of the Month February 2014, Bluegrass Writing Project Summer 2013, Teacher Appreciation Award 2014, PTSA Community Partner Award 2013 and the Frankfort Arts Integration Academy 2014. She is currently working and studying towards her Master’s Degree at Georgetown College with in emphasis in the Gifted and Talented Teacher Leader Program. She can be reached directly through FCPS website or email at ashley.baker@fayette.kyschools.us.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

General Rubric for Art Lesson Plans

I found a nice rubric that can be modified to any/most art lesson plans. Click here for the link to the website. Here it is below also.

Name: Grade: Classroom Teacher: Score:

Date: Follow Up action (if any):

Elements and Principles

I planned carefully, showed an awareness of the elements and principles of design; chose a color scheme carefully, used space effectively

I applied the principles of design and used one or more elements effectively; showed an awareness of using space effectively

I did the assignment adequately, but it shows lack of planning

I completed the project, but it shows little evidence of any understanding of the elements and principles, no evidence of planning


I thought of many ideas, tried unusual combinations, made connections to previous knowledge, demonstrated outstanding problem solving skills

I thought of a few ideas, or based my work off of someone else’s idea, made decisions, solved the problem in a logical way

I thought of one idea and carried it out adequately, but it lacked originality, substituted “symbols” instead of original thought, might have copied someone else’s work

I finished the assignment, but gave no evidence of trying anything unusual


The project was continued until it was as complete as I could make it, I gave effort far beyond that required, I took pride in going beyond the requirement

I worked hard to complete the project, but with a little more effort, it could have been outstanding

I finished the project, but it could have been improved with more effort; I knew how to do the project but I didn’t finish; or I chose an easy project and worked carelessly

I completed the project with minimum effort



My artwork was beautifully and patiently done, it was as good as hard work could make it

With a little more effort, my work could have been outstanding; lacks the finishing touches

My artwork was of average craftsmanship; adequate, but not as good as it could have been, a bit careless

My project was below average in craftsmanship, showed lack of pride in finished project

Group Cooperation/Attitude

I was sensitive to the feelings of others, followed all classroom rules and willingly participated in class discussions

I am usually sensitive to the feelings of others, I usually follow all classroom rules and very rarely causes a classroom disturbance and participate in class

I sometimes am sensitive to others, usually follows some of the classroom rules, and occasionally cause a disturbance and sometimes participate in classroom discussions

I usually DO NOT follow classroom rules, consider the feelings of others or participate in classroom discussions. I usually cause a classroom disturbance.

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